in English

Free WiFI
Free WiFi


また、「Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi」アプリで一度ユーザ登録をすれば、あらためてユーザ登録をせずに光ステーションNTT東日本エリア約5万ヵ所に加えて、全国の空港や鉄道駅、観光地等の合計 約9.2万ヵ所で無料Wi-Fiの利用が可能です。(2014年12月末現在)

「FreeWi-Fiカード」の配布場所は、「糸魚川駅アルプス口 ジオステーションジオパル内観光案内所」、 「糸魚川駅日本海口 観光案内所」、「道の駅 マリンドリーム能生観光案内所」、「道の駅 親不知ピアパーク観光案内所」の4ヵ所です。

※海外からの観光者は糸魚川市観光案内所、道の駅マリ ンドリーム能生、道の駅親不知ピアパークで発行されるカードを使用することで、2週間使い放題になります。


  1. ホームの「設定」からWi-Fiを「ON」にする
  2. ネットワーク一覧から「0000FLETS-PORTAL」を選択
  3. ホームに戻って「ブラウザ」(インターネット)を起動



Free WIFi
Free WIFi Mark

Offer of Wi-Fi connection service for a tourist to Japan.#1 (no charge)

I’ll distribute the “FreeWi-Fi card” with which the carrier free(#3) Wi-Fi internet can be connected for free of charge for 14 days in a light station offer area(#2) targeted for the tourist of(#1) Japanese short stay.[Figure 1, figure 2 and figure 3]

“Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi”#4 when registering as a member sometime by an application, it’s possible to use a free Wi-Fi by total of about 92,000 points which are the airports in the whole country as well as about 50,000 light station NTT East areas, stations and tourist spots, etc. without doing user registration once more. (Current as of end of December, 2014)

The distribution location of 2 “FreeWi-Fi card” is 4, “the Itoigawa station Alps mouth The tourist information in JIOSUTESHONJIOPARU”, “the Itoigawa station Sea of Japan mouth The tourist information”, “the station on the way Marine dream No tourist information” and “the station on the way The Oyashirazu peer park tourist information”.


#1 “FreeWi-Fi card” when distributing it, I’ll do the confirmation by which it’s for the passport.

#2 An offer area in a Hikari station (access point), a site (, DEGO.

You can check it.

#3 You can use smart phone with the Wi-Fi function and a tablet terminal, etc. without communication common carrier’s distinction.

#4 “Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi” is a free Wi-Fi connection application of NTTBP company offer.

Please see this site ( for details.